Bridesmaids Dresses: Where to start?

For good Quality Bridesmaids Dresses and Wedding Dresses, visit Golden Gowns Bouitique. We are proud to assist every bride to get the best Bridesmaids Dresses for her big day! Visit us today and see what we can do for you!One of the most important roles on a Wedding day fall on the shoulders of the bridesmaids (or Maid of Honour) and this is because not only do they have to look good without showing up the bride but they are often relied upon to help make sure the day runs smoothly. Everything from re-arranging the brides train for photos to entertaining/calming restless flower girls are all part and parcel of the bridesmaids role. However, ladies chosen to be by your side on your big day are obviously very important to you and will not mind these duties thrown at them. Remember, they get to play princess for the day while you are the reigning Queen.

So what do you dress them in? Where do you start? Golden Gown Boutique offer a wide variety of the most gorgeous gowns and bridesmaid dresses as well as friendly, knowledgeable service. Whatever the season, however many there are, we will ensure that we do our very best and beyond to accommodate all your bridal party needs. Our racks are filled with dresses in varying sizes/colours and most are available to order in different sizes and colours. Ordered dresses take approximately two to three weeks to arrive and ensuring they fit properly is what we do best. Our wonderful alteration service is very affordable with some adjustments costing as little as $15! Even though we offer some very competitive prices, rest assured all alterations are done to the very highest standard as we understand the difference a well-fitted dress can make. It’s the little things that count sometimes and an unflattering photo of certain assets due to ‘too-long’ straps is bound to go down the wrong way with brides and bridesmaids alike.

Likewise, colour plays just as much importance as the fit. With years of working in the fashion industry under our belts, we can help guide you in the right direction when it comes to the right shade for your lovely ladies. If we do not have a dress in the colour you require then just ask our friendly staff and we can let you know what other colours that style is available in. Come on in and let us see what we can do for you, and your Bridesmaids dresses.

Bridesmaids Dresses that will suit you perfect! Golden Gowns Pride themselves in the Best Bridesmaids dresses supplier in New Zealand, based in Auckland.